Today Kadi turned 19! She had mentioned that her birthday was coming up last week, but assured us that birthdays were never a big deal in her family, so she wasn't going to need anything to celebrate. I asked her what she typically did on her birthday and she told me that she occasionally went out to a casual dinner or more often than doing that, she just went to work. And again she explained how she doesn't do much to celebrate.
Naturally, I began plotting.
Before I left the clinic yesturday I ran up and down the doctor's offices hallway, knocked on every door, and told everyone that it was her birthday tomorrow and that it'd be especially awesome if they could bring a birthday treat or if they could just wish her happy birthday in the morning. I also tracked down special birthday recipes and loaded and saved them on my computer so I'd have them for the next day.
That night, Alex, Lina, and I stayed up until 11:30 (okay i know you're probably scoffing at this time right now, but i've gotten so used to falling asleep around 9 that this shocked me) baking her birthday cakes! We made two homemade yellow cakes frosted with (made from scratch) chocolate buttercream frosting (i was lucky enough to sneakily figure out her favorite cake flavor). We didn't have any beaters, so my (thoroughly washed and cleaned) hands served as the mashers, creamers, and mixers. We wanted to make sure that we'd have enough cake to share with most (if not all) the workers at the clinic, so we used all four pans we could find in our cupboard. By the time we finished, our living room/kitchen/dining area looked as if a baking ingredient tornado/hurricane had whipped through. Don't worry, we cleaned it.
This morning I woke up at 6am and began preparing her special breakfast! I had picked up some crumpet and waffle mix (assuming it worked for pancakes too) at the grocery store and whipped some up for birthday pancakes! I also made eggs because I know how much she loves them. The aroma of pancakes and eggs (definitely different that that of our usual cereal and oatmeal breakfasts) filled the cottage. I also found two sheets of powerpoint-printed-on-one-side paper and used one to make a placemat and the other to make a birthday girl hat.
Naturally, I began plotting.
Before I left the clinic yesturday I ran up and down the doctor's offices hallway, knocked on every door, and told everyone that it was her birthday tomorrow and that it'd be especially awesome if they could bring a birthday treat or if they could just wish her happy birthday in the morning. I also tracked down special birthday recipes and loaded and saved them on my computer so I'd have them for the next day.
That night, Alex, Lina, and I stayed up until 11:30 (okay i know you're probably scoffing at this time right now, but i've gotten so used to falling asleep around 9 that this shocked me) baking her birthday cakes! We made two homemade yellow cakes frosted with (made from scratch) chocolate buttercream frosting (i was lucky enough to sneakily figure out her favorite cake flavor). We didn't have any beaters, so my (thoroughly washed and cleaned) hands served as the mashers, creamers, and mixers. We wanted to make sure that we'd have enough cake to share with most (if not all) the workers at the clinic, so we used all four pans we could find in our cupboard. By the time we finished, our living room/kitchen/dining area looked as if a baking ingredient tornado/hurricane had whipped through. Don't worry, we cleaned it.
This morning I woke up at 6am and began preparing her special breakfast! I had picked up some crumpet and waffle mix (assuming it worked for pancakes too) at the grocery store and whipped some up for birthday pancakes! I also made eggs because I know how much she loves them. The aroma of pancakes and eggs (definitely different that that of our usual cereal and oatmeal breakfasts) filled the cottage. I also found two sheets of powerpoint-printed-on-one-side paper and used one to make a placemat and the other to make a birthday girl hat.
cake for everyone!
and then for dinner, i've asked her multiple times what her favorite food is for this specific reason and i never get any answer other than "i mean i like a lot of food, so pretty much anything," BUUUUTTT three days ago she and alex (new roommate, tell you about her later!) were talking about college cafeteria food and how their favorite nights are the meatloaf with ketchup nights! so muahaha, i may not have cooked or eaten meat in five years, but i was able to track down a relatively simple recipe and cook it for her. she had also mentioned her liking for carrots so i boiled some of those up too.
i was worried i wouldn't have time to finish them before she got back, but, just to my luck, alex and kadi got locked inside the clinic! haha, just kidding, i wasn't actually that happy (okay, maybe a little). i got a call from alex saying that they were locked in and that the alarm was going off. luckily, dr. pii had given me the alarm code a few weeks ago when i locked up, so i scrambled over and helped them turn it off. and then just sat on the other side of the glass and waited for someone to come. the security people came and i signed the official no-one-actually-broke-in-and-the-clinic's-still-in-tact waiver. when i asked them for the key they looked at me with confusion, apparently they didn't have one. when i pointed to the people locked inside, they just laughed. luckily, we were able to get ahold of dr. mohapi who drove down to set them free.
but luckily, i had time to finish my meatloaf!
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